News & Events

Epoch Magazine featuring Pavel Goldstein 

In a thought-provoking article, Pavel Goldstein provides insights into the opioid crisis in Israel and outlines potential preventive measures. “It’s imperative that we take proactive steps to address this issue and avoid the tragic consequences witnessed in the USA”. Read full article>>

Do you suffer from Fibromialgia or know someone who does?

Michal Weiss is recruting female test subjects for an innovative research conducted in our lab. 

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iPain in the media: Ynet+ about new ways to treat chronic pain

Pavel Goldstein was interviewed for ‘Menta Magazin’ about Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) for treating chronic pain and about recent research innovations in the field. Read full artice>>

New publication

Blood pressure is known to be corelated to diabetes. But did you know that the very act of measuring blood pressure can help balance blood sugar levels? A new research led by  Pavel Goldstein and others, demonstrats that subjects who regularly measured their blood pressure in addition to sugar levels, showed a significant improvement in both indicators.

Full article>>

Exciting news!

 Pavel Goldstein won two ISF (Israel Science Foundation) grants: 

  1. Ecological validation of psychotherapy for chronic pain: specifying the mechanisms.
  2. Understanding the mechanisms behind chronic pain psychotherapeutic approaches can boost the therapy efficacy by adjusting the dynamic of the therapy and the mechanism-based content.