Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Pain

This TED style lecture by Prof. Pavel Goldstein was given as part of the “Ambassadors Lecture Series” at the University of Haifa. 

What is Chronic Pain?

Often people with chronic pain attribute the pain to a physical injury: “I have a herniated disc/unsuccessful surgery/overloaded knees/accident injury” and many others. Recent scientific research has questioned these claims. So what is chronic pain?
We are going to explain!

In collabopration with:
Julia Zatulovsky – attention management coach
Mashmauton – explanatory animation videos

Pain Chronification

Pain chronification refers to the process in which acute pain transitions into chronic pain, persisting beyond the expected healing time. It involves complex interactions between the nervous system, psychological factors, and various physiological changes. When pain becomes chronic, it can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, leading to physical and emotional distress. Understanding pain chronification is crucial for healthcare professionals and patients alike, as it enables early detection, timely intervention, and the implementation of effective management strategies. Through education and awareness, we aim to empower individuals to take an active role in preventing and managing chronic pain, fostering a healthier and more fulfilling life.

To better understand this concept, Dr. Pavel Goldstein wrote new lyrics to a well known song. Watch these very talented kids from Aloney Yitzchak Youth Village performing it:

How to heal chronic migraine/headache?

Our lab member, Reema Katish, an MA student in Clinical Neuropsychology at University of Haifa, was inspired by Psycho-education and the power it can have to create a basic understanding of neural mechanisms in chronic pain, and how sometimes it can be therapeutic.
Watch her sharing these basics while telling the story of an amazing inspiring woman who has healed her migraines, and providing an evidence that healing your migraines is possible!